March and meeting in memory of Christopher Alder

28 March 2018

PHOTO: Christopher Alder RIP, killed by police on a night out.

"We rightly enjoy and praise our city of culture, but there have been times we've badly failed," says Martin Deane.

"One is the death of Christopher Alder, where a man, a father, a brother, enjoying a night out, failed to ever come home because of police actions.

"In court, it was found that he was killed by the police.

"As if this weren't enough, his family were given the wrong body to bury! This was only admitted many years later.

"Piling fault upon fault, police had been monitoring and surveilling Christopher's sister and family as they campaigned for justice.

"The court details make it hard to avoid the conclusion that police racism contributed to Chris' death.

"In the city of William Wilberforce this is unconscionable."

The campaign for justice continues here on Saturday.

It is 20 years since the death of Christopher Alder in police custody in Hull.

No-one has been convicted for his death despite a verdict of unlawful killing by the inquest jury.

Gather at 1pm this Saturday 31st March at Queen Victoria Square, Hull.

This will be followed by a silent march around Hull.

Public meeting 2.15pm at Hull Unison building

See link: Facebook

The Guardian on Chris Alder

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